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जीवनदायिनी जीविका गौसेवा सदन भारत की दुकान-आपकी अपनी दुकान । । स्वदेशी से स्वावलम्बी आत्मनिर्भर भारत बनाना है_।_____तो_____। स्वदेशी खाओ, स्वदेशी बनाओ, देश बचाओ ।

“जीवनदायिनी जीविका गौसेवा सदन "गौमाता" की सेवा करने का वो निवास स्थान जहाँ पर आप को जीवन देने के लिए जीवन देने वाले सभी साधन आप के लिए उपलब्ध है”

About Us
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P-66 Vani Vihar Road Vijay Vihar Uttam Nagar New Delhi 110059
+91 - 971 729 8110
Contact Info
P-66 Vani Vihar Road Vijay Vihar Uttam Nagar New Delhi 110059
+91 - 971 729 8110
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Shyam Attar is very fragrant and rare.
By applying Shyam Attar on your skin once in the morning, you get fragrance throughout the day and it also works to give fragrance to the people around you. Shyam Itra should be rubbed a little behind the ears, on both the wrists and rotated on the hand. Since Shyam Itra is made in a natural way, it does not have any side effects. If you wrap even a small piece of leather around it at home, its fragrance will spread throughout the hall.

If there is a wooden or marble temple, then applying Shyam Attar on that temple makes you feel like you are in a temple. This soulful and sensual perfume is a must have in your collection.